In this game you try to avoid every single deadly ball. Be careful because some are VERY DEADLY. If you can survive 3 minutes you are the ultimate survivor.


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(1 edit)

geras game bet kaškaip truksta daugiau garsu

isgivenau is trecio karto 197.02 sec


Ačiū. Mldc, ilgai išgyvenai :o


Hiya I got 140 seconds!
I played a ton of Hades 2 lately so I liked that those dodging mechanics came in use here. I think it's a clean experience. I liked that the hitboxes arent annoying or too punishing, I almost got hit by blue but swirled around it and that felt good. Are you planning on adding more to it?

Also just posted a small prototype myself, would mean a lot if you'd try it out and give me some feedback. Im reaching out to other creators to see what they think.

Have a nice day!